Wednesday, November 18, 2015


 There are only three openings to fill.

 Club meets the third Tuesday of each month at 1 pm starting in January.

 We will be doing 6 projects from the book Civil War Remembered

You are required to buy the book. 

 Cost of registration for the year is $30.00 and you can register at Community Vac and Sewing.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Embroidery Club

The Embroidery Club will meet at Community Vac and Sew at 1pm, Monday, Nov. 16.  The main topic for November will be the Scan and Cut machine.  Remember to bring your favorite web site and your show and tell.  Also, any techniques you'd like to share.  See you on the 16th.

 Serger Refresher Course

There will be a serger refresher class at Community Vac and Sew on Nov. 19, from 9:30am to 2:30.  It's time to look at a couple of the feet that came with your serger.  Starting with the cording foot, we'll make piping and put in a zipper.  There is also a blind hem foot and an elastic foot, along with a host of others.  For a lot of fun and ruffles, we'll try the ruffling foot.  Bring the extra feet that came with your serger and see how to expand your serger knowledge.  We'll also cover some other functions, such as the differential feed, that you've probably not used a lot.  I'll try to remind you how your serger can do more than overedge a seam.

Cost for the class is $25, and you need to register and pay at Community  Vac and Sew prior to the class so I know how many to expect.  We'll do a brown bag lunch and I'll bring something for coffee in the morning. I'll have some different types of fabric to work with. 
Besides your serger and the extra feet, you need to bring your manual and the accessories/tool box that came with your serger.
Also bring --

Serger cone thread - -   One each of Red, Blue, Green and Yellow
Extra needles
A soft bristled paint brush (about 1 or 1 1/2 inches wide)
Nylon zipper -- 12-14 inches long

If you have questions, please call me at 320-965-2767 or e-mail me at
Hope to see you at class